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Advice from Parenting, Child and Brain Development,
Education, Psychology, Behavioral Science, and Health Care Experts

The Hoppity Learning Blog

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Winning Book!

In this award-winning book, parents and teachers uncover practical and science-based skills to help children manage emotions, set boundaries during bedtime struggles, and resolve conflicts like fighting over the same toy!

Alberta Family Wellness Initiative (AFWI) partners with the HARVARD CENTER ON THE DEVELOPING CHILD and other organizations to improve outcomes in health and well-being for children and families.


Hoppity Learning has AFWI's permission to share their public info with you.

"The University of Oxford, in partnership with the Alberta Family Wellness Initiative, is working to share knowledge about the science of brain development for families and professionals. This is important information for everybody to understand how our earliest experiences can affect our long-term mental and physical health." - Alberta Family Wellness Initiative (AFWI)

Check out how much you know about your child's brain development by filling out this survey!


All provided information is for education purposes only. The information does not represent any medical advice or diagnosis. Please consult your licensed physicians or therapists for any professional assistance. Hoppity Learning is a coaching and teaching service. We may not be licensed therapists or healing art practitioners, and we do not provide therapy or medical service (SB577). Our website may contain links to third-party content, which Hoppity Learning does not warrant, endorse, or assume liability for.

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